Organized by the Journal of Arabic and World Literature published at Andromeda Publishing and Academic Services (London, UK)
Read More RegistrationOrganized by the Journal of Arabic and World Literature published at Andromeda Publishing and Academic Services (London, UK)
We are pleased to inform you that our Conference will be under the sponsorship of University of New Mexico Department of English Language and Literature
you can visit Their main website from here
-Human history can be seen as a history of conflict that takes many shapes and forms. Conflict can be defined as the incompatibility between the material, psychological and ideological needs, interests and values of a person or a group with those of another. Conflict dynamics allude to the attitudes, perceptions and elements that shape the course of conflicts, including identity issues, feelings, lack of communication, and contentious politics. Those conflicts are best conveyed, negotiated and at times resolved through narrative. Literary and cultural products convey all kinds of conflict dynamics, whether in the form of power struggles or resolution strategies.
You are invited to submit abstracts on, but not limited to, one of the topics below. Initial proposals must include: authorship, affiliation, contact info, title and an abstract of between 200 and 250 words and 3 to 5 keywords.
كانت الصراعات عبر التاريخ دائمًا نتاجًا لسلسلة معقدة من الأحداث، وتشابك في المصالح والتحالفات. ويمكن أن يكون الصراع شخصيًا؛ نتيجة للأهواء والمنافع الخاصة، أو أن يكون عامًا يذهب ضحيته الآلاف؛ نتيجة لسوء التقدير وتعارض المصالح على المستوى الوطني أو الإثني أو الجماعي. وتشير دينامية الصراع إلى العوامل والمواقف والتصورات التي تشكل مسار الصراع، بما في ذلك قضايا الهوية، والمشاعر، وعدم القدرة على التواصل، والسياسات المثيرة للخلاف. ويبقى الأدب خير معبر عن دينامية الصراع، ومحاولات البشر للوصول لحلول له.
نتشرف بدعوة سيادتكم لإرسال ملخصاتكم للاشتراك في المؤتمر، على ألا يزيد على 200-250 كلمة، مع إرسال الاسم واللقب والجامعة أو المؤسسة التابع لها و3-5 كلمات مفتاحية.
يهدف المؤتمر إلى دراسة كيفية تجسيد أنواع الصراع المختلفة فى مرآة الأدب العربى والعالمى من خلال المحاور التالية:
The program will include plenary and parallel presentations by invited speakers, as well as contributions chosen from abstracts submitted on the following topics:
University of New Mexico
George Mason University
Professor of English literature and Comparative Studies at Ain Shams University
Cairo University
University of New Mexico
Augustana College
You are invited to submit abstracts on, but not limited to, one of the above-mentioned topics. Initial proposals must include: authorship, affiliation, contact info, title and an abstract of between 200 and 250 words and 3 to 5 keywords.
The submitted articles will be peer-reviewed, and those that are accepted will be published in AWL as a special issue..