
محاور المؤتمر

يهدف المؤتمر إلى دراسة كيفية تجسيد أنواع الصراع المختلفة فى مرآة الأدب العربى والعالمى من خلال المحاور التالية:


The program will include plenary and parallel presentations by invited speakers, as well as contributions chosen from abstracts submitted on the following topics:

  • Types of conflict & violence
  • Conflict and gender
  • Domestic violence and femicide
  • violence and child abuse

  • Conflict and nature
  • Environmental and ecological issues
  • Conflict and ecofeminism
  • Conflict and posthumanism

  • Conflict and racism
  • Conflict and ideology
  • Conflict and power politics
  • Conflict and trauma

  • Conflict and migration
  • Media portrayals of conflict
  • Violence and nonviolence
  • Multidisciplinary studies of conflict

  • Conflict in history
  • Conflict and resistance
  • The role of language in human conflict
  • Discourse, conflict and conflict resolution

  • Conceptual conflicts in metaphors
  • Causes and effects of language conflicts
  • A-indigenous language conflict
  • B- migration-generated language conflict

  • C- global vs local language conflict
  • D-Geopolitical event- generated language conflict
  • Body, language, and meaning in conflict situations
  • The Translations of Conflict in Fiction

  • Translators/Interpreters as mediating, memorizing or rewriting conflict
  • Linguistic and cultural mediation
  • (Re)framing conflict in Translation